folder. If you want
to build and run this example by yourself, Chapter
5 will be helpful for you.
#include <DEVSpp/Atomic.h> //--- (1) #include <DEVSpp/Coupled.h> #include <DEVSpp/SRTEngine.h> #include <DEVSpp/RNG.h> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; using namespace DEVSpp; //--- (2) const string WAIT = "Wait"; const string SEND = "Send"; //---- definition of atomic DEVS for Player --- (3) class Player: public Atomic { public: OutputPort* send; //-- associated ports --- (4) InputPort* receive; protected: //-- associated internal state variables ----(5) string m_phase; bool m_width_ball; public: Player(const string& name="", bool with_ball=false): Atomic(name), m_phase(WAIT), m_width_ball(with_ball) { send = AddOP("send"); //--- add ports --- (6) receive = AddIP("receive"); } //---- four characteristic functions ------- (7) /*virtual*/ void init() { if(m_width_ball) m_phase = SEND; else m_phase = WAIT; } /*virtual*/ TimeSpan tau() const { static rv urv; if(m_phase == SEND) return urv.uniform(0.1, 1.2); //---- (8) else return DBL_MAX; } /*virtual*/ bool delta_x(const PortValue& x) { if(x.port == receive) { if(m_phase == WAIT) { m_phase = SEND; return true; } } return false; } /*virtual*/ void delta_y(PortValue& y) { if(m_phase == SEND) { y.Set(send); m_phase = WAIT; } } //------ end of four characteristic functions ------- /*virtual*/ string Get_s() const //------(9) { return m_phase; } }; Coupled* MakePingPongGame(const string& name) { Coupled* PingPong = new Coupled(name);// ----(10) Player* A = new Player("A", true); //--- (11) Player* B = new Player("B", false); A->CollectStatistics(true); //-- (12) B->CollectStatistics(true); PingPong->AddModel(A); //-- (13) PingPong->AddModel(B); //-- Internal Coupling -------- (14) PingPong->AddCP(A->send, B->receive); PingPong->AddCP(B->send, A->receive); PingPong->PrintCouplings(); //---- (15) return PingPong; } void main(void) { Coupled* PingPong = MakePingPongGame("PingPong"); SRTEngine simEngine(*PingPong);//-- (16) simEngine.RunConsoleMenu(); //-- (17) delete PingPong; }