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Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005$ ^{\rm TM}$

If you open the solution file of DEVSpp/DEVSpp.sln, Visual Studio 2005 $ ^\textrm {{TM}}$ opens the associated project files including DEVSpp.vcproj as well as those of the example projects as shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Screen Capture of Visual Studio 2005 $ ^\textrm {{TM}}$ when opening DEVSpp/DEVSpp.sln

You can open each example solution individually. For example, if you open DEVSpp/Examples/Ex_PingPong/Ex_PingPong.sln file, you can see that only DEVSpp project and Ex_PingPong project are opened in Solution Explorer window of Visual Studio 2005 $ ^\textrm {{TM}}$ . To run each example, we should build DEVSpp first and then build the example project.

In order to run the examples provided in DEVSpp/Examples folder, we don't have to change the compile and build options at all. But if you want to know the settings inside, the following information will be useful.

There are four different ways to compile DEVSpp library in DEVS++ verion 1.4.1The combinations are given by {debug, release} cross {static, dll}. For example debug_static is one combination, release_dll is another, etc. Each configuration will create its own folder, and there will be DEVSpp.dll and DEVSpp.lib for all *_dll options, and DEVSpp.lib for all *_static options.

The special settings of Configuration Properties for DEVS++ are:

  1. General/Configuration Type:
  2. C/C++
I believe that the reader will be unlikely to change the DEVSpp.vcproj file. But the reader could make her or his own examples. The special settings of Configuration Properties for Ex_* examples are:
  1. General/Configuration Type: Application (.exe) .
  2. C/C++
  3. Linker/General/Additional Library Directories:
    $(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName) for all configurations.

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MHHwang 2007-05-07