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log sets the logging option which generates the log file devspp_log.txt. After the log command, DEVS++ shows the current log settings and waits for the user input as follows.
current log setting: on, p00
options: {on,off}, {+,-}{pqt} nc >

The user options are on or off or {+,-}{pqt} or nc. Their meanings are:

The corresponding APIs are

static void SRTEngine::SetLogOn(bool flag=true),
static void SRTEngine::SetLogPerformance(bool flag=true),
static void SRTEngine::SetLogTotalState(bool flag=true),
static void SRTEngine::SetLogTransition(bool flag=true),
static bool SRTEngine::GetLogOn(),
static bool SRTEngine::GetLogPerformance(),
static bool SRTEngine::GetLogTotalState(),
static bool SRTEngine::GetLogTransition().

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MHHwang 2007-05-07