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Collecting Performance Functions

If we want to trace the performance of an atomic DEVS model, we need to set the flag on by using CollectStatistics(true). We can also get the flag's status by calling CollectStatisticsFlag(). The virtual function Get_Statistics_s() will return a string which represents the status in terms of collecting statistics. Also, the user can override the GetPerformance() function to collect the performance index.

    void CollectStatistics(bool flag = true) { m_cs = flag; }
    bool CollectStatisticsFlag() const { return m_cs; }
    virtual string Get_Statistics_s() const { return Get_s(); }
    virtual map<string, double> GetPerformance() const;
We will see the theoretical background of performance indices and how we collect them using DEVS++ in Chapter 4.

MHHwang 2007-05-07